Speed skating requires so much more than just the ability to skate. The sport requires a well developed muscles. Like the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, abs and hip flexors.
Quads are crucial for speed skating. To work this muscle group you can run, cycle or jump rope. Glutes promote movement at your hip. The glutes are crucial for speed skating. A stair climber and elliptical, are smart choices for working the glutes.
Your hamstring muscles can be strengthened by running, swimming and using the stair climber. Your abs can be strengthened by running, jumping rope and swimming. Hip flexors, working these muscles is crucial for speed skating. You can work your hip flexors by running, swimming and cycling.
Skating takes a tremendous amount core, back and ankle strength. Much of speed skating training consists of dry land training. Both at gym and track settings. This type of training promotes power, explosiveness, endurance and flexibility. For those who might not have access to a rink this is good news. This means you can train like a speed skater anywhere.
Hills, fields, stairs. Other drills include lunges, stair work, single leg hops. Much of speed skating involves lateral movement. The slideboard works well for lateral movement. It also helps with aerobic work while engaging muscles not typically used.