My daughter loved these skates, she is so happy. They are so cute and comfortable!
These skates seem pretty sturdy to me. They're good wheels. Seem to be holding up well with the daily use.
I can tell they are better than the cheap skates I was using. I think they'll last a long while for me.
After a lot of research decided on these Candi Girl Sabina Pink skates. I was so excited to receive these!
I put them on and I don't want to take them off! These skates are absolutely amazing.
Comfortable right out of the box. The color is very stylish. We bought the Candi Pink skate.
She LOVES these skates! She is constantly stopped by people asking about her skates! She says they are comfortable and roomy but still snug enough to be secure.
These Candi Girl Pink skates arrived on time and in perfect condition no scuffs or scraps. Very very comfortable and super light on my feet.
I love the fun colors. Overall I think they are good skates for the price. I let my daughter try them on and she loved them too.
I'm using them mostly outdoors on pavement and sidewalks and have no trouble on either surface. Not flashy, but noticeably cute!